Your Journey, Our Mission.

Under The Homing Project, when will I be able to have a $2000 home?

Our vision is for a rapid implementation but we are just getting started. Please become a member of The Homing Project. It's only $5.

Your membership serves to

  1. Demonstrate demand.
  2. Create community.
  3. Be your petition signature.
  4. Fund The Homing Project operations.
  5. Get you in The Homing Project's communications loop and newsletter.

Development of the vision and roll-out process is dependent on membership. Get a Membership and encourage your friends to support the project.

Where will the first Homing Project communities be located?

That depends primarily on expression of interest through paid memberships and the desired area for a community roll-out. At the moment we speculate that areas where housing crises are most critical will have more people desiring a community roll-out in their area. It will also depend on the formation of proposed member communities. This is why it is essential to drive membership and encourage people in your area of interest to become part of The Homing Project.

Can I be a member if I am not Canadian, and if I'm not Canadian, what are the benefits of membership?

Yes. You can be a member even if you are not Canadian. Your membership benefits will be the same, except that your name will not be part of the Canadian petition.

Your membership will
  1. Demonstrate demand.
  2. Create community.
  3. Be your petition signature, for your own country.
  4. Fund The Homing Project operations.
  5. Get you in The Homing Project's communications loop and newsletter.

Do I receive a lifetime membership for $5?

No. Membership is $5 CAD per year, on the date of your original membership.

Will I receive a home for $2,000?

The Homing Project does not build homes for members, but instead builds community that through co-operation will empower the realization of your $2,000 home. Exactly how that manifests remains to be seen. Amazing things happen through community. Become a member, spread the word and get behind the vision.

Your plan sounds too ambitious. Isn't 1 million Canadians overly optimistic?

While the goal of engaging 1 million Canadians may seem ambitious, it's grounded in the reality of Canada's changing demographic landscape. With immigration contributing nearly half a million people annually, there's a pressing need for innovative housing solutions. Our vision isn't just about numbers; it's about addressing the evolving needs of our society by providing affordable homes and fostering inclusive communities. Together, we can make this vision a reality.

Will the homes all be the same design?

At first the homes will be fundamentally the same. The primary objective is $2,000, and to keep it there. The Homing Project will ask members to bring forward design concepts that fit within certain design and dimension specifications, much like Formula One racing cars. For many, creative expression in their home is an essential ingredient for a fulfilling homeowner experience. For others, happily co-existing with others in their specific community is also an essential ingredient. This is why each "member community" will define their community ethos, as it fits within the ethos and principles of The Homing Project as a whole.

If I want to start a Homing Project community in my area what can I do?

Get a copy of the Homing Project Guiding Principles booklet (currently evolving) and the community starter kit (also evolving). Complete the community matching survey to determine what your community ethos will be. The Homing Project guiding principles help ensure that your community is started with a winning attitude, while also enabling your community to develop its own "vibe' or ethos. Let's face it. Common principles make good neighbors. The Homing Project as a whole will be like a massive neighborhood that sets the tone of understanding and tolerance. Homing Project Member communities on the other hand will be their own local neighborhoods assembled by people like you.

Can I sell my home?

Yes, you can sell your home. But only for $2,000. Crazy hey? The Homing Project is designed as an off-ramp from real estate speculation. Outside of The Homing Project, real estate speculation will continue and we have no opinion on that issue. But the Homing Project is about homes. Not products. How will this be enforced? We're working on that. It will start with shared principles.

What land will Homing Project communities be built on?

The Homing Project will be located on land granted by the government in much the same way as land was granted to early settlers, while seeking the blessing of, and benefiting indigenous peoples.

Who is the Homing Project's target market?

Great question! Anyone that would rather live in a small space. For many, it's not a compromise, but a preference. And then there are those that are willing to opt-out of mainstream housing so that they are able to:

  1. Own their own home.
  2. Live simply and sustainably.
  3. Live affordably.
  4. Live in a natural setting.
  5. Be part of intentional community.

We also seek to address the housing crisis and homelessness by adding significant usable, affordable inventory to the Canadian housing ecosystem. The list of opportunities for Homing Project communities is long. Foreign students, refugees, young people starting out, retirees, families, indigenous villages.

The Homing Project sounds like a massive undertaking. How will it be funded?

Yes, it seems like a massive undertaking. But the Homing Project is about building a large community, and as the saying goes, many hands (and minds) make light work. To oversee and guide the vision and be the voice for the Homing Project as a whole, we will rely on memberships from our community for funding. You can help by letting friends and family know and sharing about us on social networks and to other interested parties. And, by becoming a member of The Housing Project!

Can I rent my $2,000 home out to make money?

The Homing Project is an off-ramp from the real estate model so treating your home as a revenue generator is not in keeping with the vision. If you aren't using your home you can either close it up, or sell it to someone that wants the benefits of the community it is a part of.

Can I move my home to another community?

Yes! If there is a community that you'd rather be located in then you can move your home there.

Are Homing Project communities communes or communal living?

That depends on the individual ethos of any given community. Of course, there is huge potential for neighbors to work together, and The Homing Project encourages that. The exact form of that will depend on the community, its founders, and how it comes to fruition. We avoid stigmatizing stereotypes because the Homing Project wants to remain broad enough to have a significant impact and wide appeal. There are community models we are looking at that do have communal resources within the community such as a common workshop and community building. We are excited to see what an amazing community can be built for the benefit of all!

Will homeowners pay property taxes?

We are seeking to have communities incentivized so that property taxes are permanently waived based on unit size. This is not charity to the homeowners, but recognition of the facts:

Will some homes be purchased to help the homeless?

Yes. Homelessness aid communities will be encouraged. These, often difficult to understand and help, communities will require understanding, compassion, tolerance, vigilance and solid guidance. The Homing Project wants to pioneer solutions to homelessness, recognizing that in many (not all) cases mental health issues, drug and alcohol addiction and general "not fitting in" issues present challenges. That's why The Homing Project looks to "innovative first principles" to create solutions. There is a way. We must find it. To help, please become a member of the Homing Project.

Is the Homing Project a registered charity or society?

No. The Homing Project is presently a private company. We know that in this day and age that sounds unusual. We are a private company so that we can remain flexible and innovative in our vision. In a world where the word altruism is rarely used, or established as a desired aim of leadership, we are embracing it. We have a vision of compassion and empathy and a better world for all. Charities and societies, while intended for the purpose of good-works, are often misused as tax havens. We aren't perfect, but we aspire to service-above self and hope to attract community founders that are altruistically inclined. Memberships and funds received will be used to further The Homing Project vision efficiently and responsibly.

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Questions? Comments? Thoughts? We'd love to hear from you.

-How can I help you guys make this happen? So much I ❤ about this!

The Homing Project